“Changing Lives, One Westie at a Time”6


Our introduction to Blossom was indeed unexpected and fortuitous. One look at that precious face and I was lost and found all at once.

Blossom overcame considerable hurdles, at the tender age of 10, thanks to the wonderful work of her many friends and admirers at WIN. She took to life in the country readily and quickly trained moles, voles and chipmunks to take cover. She was a fierce hunter digging her way to China, if we let her, in pursuit of life underground.

Blossom was a girl of many pillows, blankets and beds but, in the end, it was on the sofa or in a chair with her "peeps" that she enjoyed most.

Such a wee girl, Peanut we nicknamed her, occupied great presence and commanded our neverending affection. 

She will be missed is an enormous understatement. She filled our hearts with joy and left us so very many wonderful memories. Six blissfully happy years.

Rest easy Sweet Girl


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WiN is 100% public support operated and we could not survive without caring folks like you.

Funds go directly to the care of the Westies in our rescue program


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