“You can't buy love, but you can rescue it”11


We got a little 5 month old Wesie puppy named Cezar and our life was enriched by his beautiful, very intelligent, stubborn with own mind and the sparking personality, Westie.

He was our protector, mental therapist and a very loyal friend. He loved to play soccer with a heavy plastic ball and always tried to throw ball to our large TV. He played music with the door stopper when he wanted our attention. He took us to the park for a walk caring about our health.

When we were down- he understood our feelings and was so caring and loving. He was a very proud dog- never begged for a human food and just patiently waited for his treats. He never damaged any shoes or furniture and was trained to use the dogs’ pads when necessary. He knew names of all his toys- he was bringing the toy we named and our friends admire him for it with their disbelieve.

He was digging the snow-bands and found some gifts for us. He was sick as a puppy and we feed him only from a hand - this habit he kept for all his life. Once he met a skunk and was sprayed by it, but it did not spoil his free spirit to chase squirrels. We love everything about him- his smart eyes, proud posture, sweet smell and amazing personality!

He passed away so suddenly- usual walk in the morning, having his lunch and suddenly layed down and passed away in our hands. He enriched our life and made us better people.

We lost the best loyal friend, who gave us all his unconditional love! We laughed watching him playing and he made us so happy!

Our dear Cezar, thank you for being in our life and a member of our family. You crossed the Rainbow bridge and now we have a huge hole in our heart and our house so empty without you! You always will be remembered and your picture will be always in the most visible place.

We love you very much, missing you a big time and we are crying and feeling enormous pain for loosing you. We just hope that some day we will be together again!

Your loving family: Irina, Alex and Gary



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WiN is 100% public support operated and we could not survive without caring folks like you.

Funds go directly to the care of the Westies in our rescue program


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