“Home is where my Westie is”10


Bailey Busteed 1999 – 2011.

Our buddy passed away suddenly while we were away and my daughter Stephanie bravely dealt with this sad event.

He was truly my boy! In a house full of girls he was my refuge. He followed me wherever I went, slept at the foot of our bed and was always at the front door to greet me whenever I came home. He knew how much he was loved and he gave it back to us in spades. Chasing squirrels was his favorite past time but he loved to play baseball and would have made a darn good shortstop.

He was brave right up until the end, never complained and frankly, we don’t think he suffered.

He loved people and never missed an opportunity to get a pet at the front door. Everything seemed so normal; then wham, it hit and it was over before we could say goodbye. We will miss our little buddy for a very long time. I miss our walks and our car rides together. I miss him running around the pool, but never going in and I miss his game of pool volleyball now that summer is here.

Adieu my friend, you were loved greatly and you will be very much missed!

March 22, 2011.


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WiN is 100% public support operated and we could not survive without caring folks like you.

Funds go directly to the care of the Westies in our rescue program


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