“You can't buy love, but you can rescue it”11


Charlotte was such a typical Westie...she could be loving and stubborn all in the span of 5 minutes. She was such an energetic girl, never sitting still for too long and was always on squirrel patrol.

She had a wonderful life; full of walks and adventure…she will be missed so much by all her furry and human friends.  

Run free my Charlotte….

In days gone by, the dog ran wild, untamed and free.
Although man may have tamed your bodies,
we have never tamed your spirit.
You are free now.
Go and run with your pack,
with your wild ancestors, racing by the midnight moon.
Go and hunt for your prey,
taking what is your birthright.
Join the wolf, the jackal, the wild dogs,
and run with your kin on the wild hunt.
Run, and guide your spirit home.


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WiN is 100% public support operated and we could not survive without caring folks like you.

Funds go directly to the care of the Westies in our rescue program


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