“Woof means Friend”2


At the time of his death, Jack was the oldest known living Westie in Canada and the seventh oldest living Westie in the world. He lived life to the fullest and lived longer than anyone could have imagined.

He was loyal uncle to his niece, Daisy, a constant companion until she passed away in 2015.

In his youth, and as an adult, Jack was an energetic and social Westie. He was ornery and feisty and had to be leashed on walks, or he was gone- like a bat out of hell!   Most of his human 'pack' members have minor bodily scars -reminders of his wild temperament!

Jack and his niece had wonderful experiences and adventures with people who loved him. They also went through some challenging times and adversities. Their constant companionship, and the love and devotion of someone who was very special to both of them, helped them through those times.

In his geriatric years, and despite loosing most of his sight and hearing, Jack transformed into a most remarkable being. Jack never walked with a leash for the last two years of his life. He navigated patiently by smell and sense. He woke up, came for meals, and went to the door for regular walks- like clockwork. He was respectful of his shared ‘den’ and never had an 'accident' in the house.

It was a privilege and joy to accompany this geriatric marvel on strolls and watch him sniff to his heart's content. He went on regular day trips around Ottawa and Eastern Ontario and summered in the Muskokas. He loved his many memory-foam mattresses scattered throughout his 'den'. When he got tired, he loved to be carried, cuddled, and held while sitting on a park bench in the open air.

He had a special bond with his human 'pack' and with other dogs and human friends. One neighbor called him the "wisest dog in the neighborhood".

It was the greatest honor to be his friend and to be a member of his 'pack'.

Thank you Jack for your gifts- your love and your lessons about living. Thank you for transforming our lives. We love you and always will. We will miss you forever.

"Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog"


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WiN is 100% public support operated and we could not survive without caring folks like you.

Funds go directly to the care of the Westies in our rescue program


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