“Changing Lives, One Westie at a Time”6

Westie Events in 2025!

These fund-raisers mean the world to us and to the Westies we help. WiN operates solely by donations and fund-raising.




16 August

Pawlooza is the ultimate dog party! held just outside of London, Ontario, it's a festival for dogs and animal lovers! Join an estimated 25,000 people and 6,000 dogs for Canada's most unique and dog-friendly festival experience.

Pawlooza takes place on International Homeless Animals' Day.

Please join Westies in Need at Pawlooza...drop by our booth and say hi!!!


Plunkett Estate
9282 Elviage Drive
London, ON N6K 4N5

For more information...

Corrie Yeoman

Phone: 905-853-5513

Email: Corrie@WestiesinNeed.ca

Website: pawlooza.com/

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WiN is 100% public support operated and we could not survive without caring folks like you.

Funds go directly to the care of the Westies in our rescue program


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